SftTabs/NET 6.0

New Features

Softel vdm, Inc.

SftTabs/NET 6.0 is upward compatible to earlier version of the product. We have to admit we didn't strive for 100% upward compatibility. 6.0 has so many new features and new ways to accomplish even more, we decided that this version would not have to be 100% upward compatible. But, you can still open a project that uses 5.5 and easily switch over to 6.0 (see "Upgrading To SftTabs/NET 6.0"). There will be a few things that may not work quite right or compile, but that is easily corrected by using the new features (a list of changes is available in the topic "Upgrading To SftTabs/NET 6.0"). We did make sure there were no "hidden" changes. After upgrading, if there are incompatibilities, you will immediately notice. Once corrected, there are no subtle little changes, so you're all set.

SftTabs/NET 5.5 and 6.0 can coexist on the same system and they can be used independently in different applications.  It is not possible to use both in the same application. Every project that is using an earlier version of the product can continue to do so or use the easy upgrade process shown in "Upgrading To SftTabs/NET 6.0" to upgrade a project to take advantage of this new version. Due to the many changes and enhancements in 6.0, some features have been discontinued, but can be easily duplicated with the new and more powerful features.

While source code compatibility is insured, the visual result after conversion may not be identical. This is caused by a number of features that have been changed or significantly enhanced while discontinuing certain properties. All changes are documented in the topic "Upgrading To SftTabs/NET 6.0".

SftTabs/NET 6.0 offers the following new features:

Properties & Methods


These new events are available: CloseButtonClicked, DragDetected, MinimizeButtonClicked, MouseMoveHoverTimer, MouseMoveTimer, PartClicked, RestoreButtonClicked, SwitchingDisabled

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